
This is an Addendum to the Mayer Brown Disclaimer.

By registering to this Network, signing up for third party offers, using the job board, uploading your CV, registering for events or posting to the community notice board, you will be providing us with details like your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, employment and business details. You provide this information to us by registering with us, updating your user profile or by uploading your CV.  We will be collecting, storing, using and transferring those data under the Terms of Use and Alumni Privacy Notice.

The information you provide us will allow Mayer Brown to provide you with access to our site and services. You can amend what information you receive through this Network by clicking on 'My Profile' within the website and amending your email preferences, user settings or unsubscribing from the Network.

  • Community Notice Board: When posting to the Community Notice Board, your posts will be moderated by the Mayer Brown Alumni Team.  They have the right to publish, edit or remove your post from the website in accordance with the Terms of Use and the Alumni Privacy Notice.
  • Job Board: When registering for Mayer Brown roles you may be interested in through the Job Board, you will be forwarded to the Mayer Brown Career Site.  All Mayer Brown applications will be managed through the Mayer Brown HR Recruitment Team. When registering for non-Mayer Brown roles you may be interested in through the Job Board, you will be forwarded to that organization's external website. 
  • Third party offers and benefits:  From time to time, third party offers and benefits will be published on the Mayer Brown Alumni Network website.  Mayer Brown is not  recommending or endorsing these products or services. The choice of whether to sign up for these offers is a personal one and any agreement reached is between you as an individual and each Product or Service Provider. Mayer Brown receives no remuneration from these Companies, Products or Services for any introduction or involvement, and we are unable to give any legal, tax, financial or investment advice as to the suitability of these products and services for you. If you take up the offer, you will become a customer solely of the Company offering the Product or Service and will be bound by the terms and conditions of their products/services. You should undertake your own due diligence and take into account warning notices given on the products/services.